Analysis of pomegranate seed oil for the presence of jacaric acid

作者:Sassano Gary*; Sanderson Paul; Franx Johan; Groot Pascal; van Straalen Jeroen; Bassaganya Riera Josep
来源:Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009, 89(6): 1046-1052.


BACKGROUND: Pomegranate seed oil is predominantly composed of triglycerides containing unsaturated fatty acids, including high levels of conjugated linolenic acids (CLnAs). The major CLnA component, punicic acid, is known to possess biological activity. Consequently, it is desirable to obtain a detailed characterisation of pomegranate seed oil fatty acid profiles, including molecules potentially co-eluting with punicic acid, such as jacaric acid. RESULTS: Conjugated fatty acid profiles of a commercial sample of cold pressed pomegranate seed oil were characterised in detail by both gas chromatography of methyl esters and by (13)C NMR spectroscopy. The methylation procedures were found to be critical for determination of accurate fatty acid profiles. GC analysis was unable to resolve jacaric acid from punicic acid, the major fatty acid present in pomegranate seed oil. To establish the presence or absence of jacaric acid, (13)C NMR was employed. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to investigate pomegranate seed oil for the presence of jacaric acid. Punicic acid, eleostearic acid, and catalpic acid were confirmed by (13)C NMR, but jacaric acid was not found. Thus, we have shown that punicic acid levels may be accurately measured by gas chromatography alone in pomegranate seed oil.

  • 出版日期2009-4