
A pot culture experiment was conducted on a soil marginally deficient in diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable zinc under the glass house conditions of Lucknow University to observe the effect of zinc (Zn) alone and a combination of Zn with boron (B) on the growth and reproductive yield of maize. Studies conducted on plant height, dry matter and reproductive yield and tissue element concentration in leaves and grains at harvest showed significant increase over the control. Activities of enzymes, carbonic anhydrase and superoxide dismutase determined in comparable middle leaves increased with the application of both the nutrients. Pollen diameter, pollen-producing capacity of mature anthers, grain protein, starch and phytate content were also positively correlated with the addition of nutrients. The residual value of available Zn and B in soil left after the removal of crop was found good enough to sustain the next crop.

  • 出版日期2017
