
The objective in this study was to characterize the productive potential, monthly yield distribution, and forage plant-part and botanical composition of black oats and annual ryegrass under harvest strategies in Sao Paulo. The experimental design was completely randomized with treatments corresponding to the combination among stand composition (exclusive oats, exclusive annual ryegrass, or oats + ryegrass, O+R) and harvest strategies (at 95% LI or every 30 days of regrowth, FIXED), in a factorial arrangement with three replications. Stands managed by LI accumulated 1580kg DM ha(-1) harvest(-1), and those managed by FIXED 2020kg DM ha(-1) harvest(-1). Leaf proportion was higher in ryegrass (70%), followed by O+R (64%) and oat (52%). Swards managed by LI had higher proportion of leaves and less stem than those harvested at FIXED intervals. The proportion of ryegrass was higher under the LI management (64%), than under the FIXED (70%). Over time there was the replacement of oats by ryegrass in the mixed canopy composition. Exclusive ryegrass stands are recommended. Both harvest strategies can be adopted for these winter forages in integrated systems of agriculture and livestock.

  • 出版日期2014-1