
Citrus cachexia is an economically important disease of citrus hosts caused by specific variants of Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) that are usually referred to as Citrus cachexia viroid (CCaVd). Eight cachexia-associated HSVd isolates were collected from six citrus growing areas of China, where citrus cachexia had not been reported previously. Forty-seven independent cDNA clones were used for genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis. There were no sequence variant-cultivar correlation and no distinct regional specificity among or within the cachexia-associated HSVd populations analysed. Three clusters consisting of three major HSVd variants were identified by phylogenetic analysis, suggesting that most Chinese isolates contain a mixture of cachexia and non-cachexia variants. Biological properties of eight CCaVd isolates were determined by inoculating Parson's Special mandarin (Citrus reticulata). Our results suggest that the interactions between CCaVd and non-CCaVd variants might play an important role in suppressing cachexia symptom expression.

  • 出版日期2010-5
  • 单位西南大学; 中国农业科学院