
Ag/AgBr-grafted graphite-like carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is fabricated by the insitu photoreduction of AgBr/g-C3N4 hybrids prepared by a deposition-precipitation method. N-3(4) hybrids exhibit a strong absorbance in the visible and near-IR region because of the surface plasmon resonance absorption of Ag nanocrystals. Compared with bare g-C3N4 and Ag/AgBr nanoparticles, a 28-fold and six-fold enhancement in the degradation rate of rhodamine B is observed over Ag/AgBr/g-C3N4 hybrids under visible-light irradiation, respectively. N-3(4) system. Moreover, the composite can be reclaimed easily by sedimentation without any decrease of its photocatalytic activity. N-3(4)-based plasmonic photocatalysts and facilitates their practical application to solve environmental issues.