
The design and tests of a low temperature optically reflected absorbance cell for in situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry is discussed. It works very well in the temperature range from -100 to 25 degrees C with temperature control precision within 0.5 degrees C. The cell is facile cleaning and convenient manipulation. Besides, it can work, successively, for long time with filling the Dewar flask with liquid N-2. The electrochemical performance of the cell is characterized in cyclic voltammetry with K4Fe(CN)(6) at room temperature and in steady-state voltammetry with ferrocene at low temperature. The low temperature applicability of the cell for in situ FTIR is demonstrated to observe the electrogenerated intermediate of 1,4-bis(2-ferrocenylvinyl) benzene (p-(Fc-CH=CH)(2)BZ).