
BoF statistic-based local space-time features action representation is very popular for human action recognition due to its simplicity. However, the problem of large quantization en or and weak semantic representation decrease traditional BoF model's discriminant ability when applied to human action recognition in realistic scenes. To deal with the problems, we investigate the generalization ability of BoF framework for action representation as well as more effective feature encoding about high-level semantics. Towards this end, we present two-layer hierarchical codebook learning framework for human action classification in realistic scenes. In the first-layer action modelling, superpixel GMM model is developed to filter out noise features in STIP extraction resulted from cluttered background, and class-specific learning strategy is employed on the refined STIP feature space to construct compact and descriptive in-class action codebooks. In the second-layer of action representation, LDA-Km learning algorithm is proposed for feature dimensionality reduction and for acquiring more discriminative inter-class action codebook for classification. We take advantage of hierarchical framework's representational power and the efficiency of BoF model to boost recognition performance in realistic scenes. In experiments, the performance of our proposed method is evaluated on four benchmark datasets: KTH, YouTube (UCF 11), UCF Sports and Holly-wood2. Experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves improved recognition accuracy than the baseline method. Comparisons with state-of-the-art works demonstrates the competitive ability both in recognition performance and time complexity.