
Imaging techniques have demonstrated in various cardiomyopathies that an altered uptake of radiolabeled norepinephrine (NE) analogs may coexist with beta-adrenergic receptor downregulation, but the relationships between these 2 alterations and their mechanisms remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis of a chronic elevation of circulating NE levels as a mechanism of decreased uptake of radiolabeled NE analogs and reduced beta-adrenergic receptor sites in the heart. Methods: Osmotic minipumps containing either NE or NaCl were implanted intravenously in rats for 5 d. The uptake-1 function was assessed in vitro by measuring in excised hearts H-3-NE and I-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine (I-123-MIBG) uptakes and uptake-1 carrier density using H-3-mazindol binding assay. The myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor pathway was assessed in vitro by H-3-CGP 12177 binding and measurement of adenylyl cyclase activity at baseline and under stimulation. Results: A 34% decrease in H-3-NE uptake and a 35% decrease in I-123-MIBG uptake were found in the hearts of rats infused with the NE pump compared with that of rats infused with saline solution (P < 0.05 for both). Moreover, the uptake-1 carrier protein density was decreased by 29% (P < 0.05) and 33% (P < 0.05) in right and left ventricles, respectively, of rats infused with NE compared with those infused with saline solution. Myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization was associated with a 36% reduction in receptor density in the right ventricle (P < 0.05) and a 31% reduction in the left ventricle (P < 0.05) of rats infused with NE compared with those infused with saline solution. Conclusion: The decrease in myocardial beta-adrenergic receptors and radiolabeled NE analog uptake found in different cardiomyopathies using neuroimaging techniques may be related to a functional mechanism of NE-induced downregulation of both p-adrenergic receptor and uptake-1 carrier sites.

  • 出版日期2003-9
  • 单位中国地震局