
Rotational transitions in vibrational states nu(5) = 1 and nu(11)= 1 in the oblate (CH3CCl3)-Cl-35 molecule have been Studied at frequencies from 69 to 332 GHz. The two states belong to the second lowest wavenumber A-symmetry, and E-symmetry normal modes, and are accidentally very close in energy. They are thus strongly coupled by (x - y) Coriolis interaction, in addition to the l-type resonance in the degenerate nu(11) = 1 state. The resulting rotational transitions form three characteristic band series, which show many manifestations of strong interstate Coupling. Frequencies of well over 1000 transitions have been measured and fitted to within experimental accuracy, resulting in Delta E-5.11 = 2.41204(3) cm(-1), first values of the axial constants for this molecule, C-5 = 1709.966(7),C-11= 1712.462(7) MHz, an

  • 出版日期2008-10