
NEDD8 activating enzyme (NAE) plays an important role in regulating intracellular proteins with key parts in a broad array of cellular functions. On the basis of previously work, a series of 2H-chromen-2-one based NAE inhibitors were designed and synthesized. Through enzyme-based and cell-based assays, LP0040 was identified as a non-nucleoside NAE/UAE dual inhibitor, It could inhibit NAE/UAE activities and downregulated degradations of related substrates in AGS cells, promoting apoptosis in low micro mole concentrations. LP0040 possessed anti-proliferation activities with IC50 values of 0.76-3.29 mu M against multiple human cancer lines and had synergistic effect with bortezomib. Thus LP0040 represented valuable starting points for future development of NAE/UAE dual inhibitors.