
Background:Glomus tumor is a benign neoplasm of the glomus body, a neuromyoarterial structure that regulates temperature and pressure in the cutaneous vasculature. Approximately 1%-4.5% of glomus tumors present in the hands of females; of these, 65% are seen in the subungual region of the index and long fingers. Pacinian hyperplasia is a benign lesion of the Pacinian corpuscle, a mechanoreceptor located in the subcutis of the hands and feet.Methods:A 65-year-old woman with a history of hand trauma and a 1-year chief complaint of tingling, pain, and burning sensations in her proximal thumb underwent exploration of the digital nerve after an x-ray and 2 magnetic resonance imaging examinations failed to detect a mass. Two lesions immediately adjacent to each other were excised.Results:Microscopic examination showed Pacinian hyperplasia, and a second proliferation of solid epithelioid cells related to benign blood vessels. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the epithelioid cells to be strongly positive for smooth muscle actin, CD34, and type 4 collagen, which is consistent with the phenotype of a glomus tumor. The cells were negative for S100 protein.Conclusions:The association of glomus tumor with Pacinian hyperplasia has rarely been reported in the literature. We present another rare case to bring awareness to this differential diagnostic consideration.