
We assessed the allelopathic effects of garlic root exudates on 3-crops (lettuce, rape and radish) and 6-pathogens (Pythium helicoide, P. irregular, P. ultimum, P. violae, P. heterothal, and P. sylvati). The water culture method was used to collect the root exudates from garlic between 10 to 60 days of plant growth. In bioassays, the effects of root exudates were determined on seed germination and seedling growth of recipient crops and mycelial growth of 6-pathogens. The garlic root exudates exerted the allelopathic effects on 3-test crops and 6-test pathogens and the magnitude of allelopathic effects depended on the garlic plant age and exudates concentration. The root exudates from 10 to 60 days old plants of garlic, inhibited the germination of all test crops and mycelial growth of pathogens. The inhibitory effects of root exudates were highest from the 30- and 40-days old garlic plants. However, the hypocotyl growth of test crops was stimulated. The individual crop and Pythium species differed in their growth responses to the garlic root exudates.