
JEANMONOD, D. & A. SCHLUSSEL (ed.) (2012). Notes and contributions on Corsican flora, XXIV. Candollea 67: 293-321. In French, French and English abstracts. These "notes" deal with 87 noteworthy taxa amongst which 14 are new to the island's flora. 3 of these taxa are native: Milium montianum, Rorippa palustris, Scleranthus annuus subsp. verticillatus and 8 are introduced: Centaurea jacea subsp. decipiens, Citrullus aff. colocynthis, Eleusine tristachya, Geranium sanguineum, Lampranthus brownii, Oenothera lindheimeri, Paspalum notatum, Vitis aff. labrusca and 3 were present in the past but have probably desappeared from the island: Camelina sativa subsp. microcarpa, Malcolmia maritima, Malcolmia triloba. The presence of Cuscuta suaveolens, Pelargonium graveolens, Ranunculus aquatilis, Sedum litoreum and Vicia narbonensis is once and for all confirmed. New localities are given on one hand for 32 taxa considered as "very rare" (RR) out of which 7 (Brassica rapa, Luzula sylvatica subsp. sieberi, Orchis mascula, Petroselinum crispum, Seseli djianeae, Trifolium phleoides subsp. audigieri and Veronica beccabunga) become "rare" (R). On the other hand 21 taxa considered to be "rare" (R) out of which 9 (Arum cylindraceum, Crassula vaillantii, Elymus caninus, Moenchia erecta subsp. erecta, Lathyrus annuus, Physospermum cornubiense, Scrophularia nodosa, Solanum villosum subsp. villosum and Vicia laeta) change their status from "rare" to "not common" (PF) or "localised" (LOC). Finally, the datas published for the 11 remaining taxa (considered "localised" (LOC) or "not common" (PF) taxa) constitute a considerable increase of our knowledge about their distribution. The new sites correspond often to a new sector for the presence of a given taxon. 14 of the whole lot of 88 taxa are part of the red list and 26 are xenophytic species. A distribution map is also provided for Crassula vaillantii, Platanthera algeriensis, Physospermum cornubiense and Vicia laeta.

  • 出版日期2012