A New Resist for Area Selective Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition on Metal-Dielectric Patterns

作者:Hashemi Fatemeh Sadat Minaye; Prasittichai Chaiya; Bent Stacey F*
来源:Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(20): 10957-10962.


Both area selective atomic layer deposition (ALD) and area selective molecular layer deposition (MLD) are demonstrated on Cu/SiO2 patterns using octadecylphosphonic acid (ODPA) self-assembled monolayers as a resist layer. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy confirm that during a metal oxide ALD process, no growth occurs on ODPA-protected Cu, whereas the metal oxide grows on SiO2 regions of the substrate, for up to 36 nm of metal oxide. The results also show that ODPA blocks the Cu surface from MLD, preventing polyurea deposition for up to 6 nm of film thickness.