
The aim of this study is to exhibit the presence of Capnocytophaga species in Turkey and to determine the regional risks of these bacteria for the people in dogs. Totally 200 oral swab samples were taken from owned dogs which have had dental plaque problems. The diagnosis of Capnocytophaga infections were done by PCR using CaL2, AS1, CaR and CyR gene sequence primers. The first PCR was carried out to samples using by CaL2 and AS1 primers and results were estimated as Capnocytophaga species. The second PCR was applied to samples using CaR and CyR reverse primers and results were also interpreted as being Capnocytophaga canimorsus and Capnocytophaga cynodegmi. At the end of the first PCR, Capnocytophaga spp. was detected from 11 (5.5%) out of 200 samples. CaR and CyR gene were investigated in samples which were detected as Capnocytophaga spp. It was determined that 2 (18.2%) of the samples were positive for CaR gene which were identified as C. canimorsus and 9 (81.8%) of the samples were positive for both CaR and CyR gene which were identified as C. canimorsus and C. cynodegmi. C. canimorsus and C. cynodegmi species are concluded for generating risk for human health and due to the lacking of information about the disease it was also difficult to diagnosis these agents.

  • 出版日期2013-10
