Discordance of cord insertions as a predictor of discordant fetal growth in monochorionic twins

作者:Cambiaso, Olivia; Zhao, De-Peng*; Abasolo, Jose I.; Aiello, Horacio A.; Oepkes, Dick; Lopriore, Enrico; Otano, Lucas
来源:Placenta, 2016, 47: 81-85.


Introduction: The type of cord insertion within monochorionic twin pairs could be different. The purpose of study is to evaluate the association of different combinations of placental umbilical cord insertions with birth weight discordance in a large cohort of monochorionic twins. @@@ Methods: All consecutive monochorionic placentas from either uncomplicated twin pregnancies or with fetal weight discordance examined and injected with color dye at our centers were included in this study (n = 374). Marginal or velamentous cord insertions were defined as abnormal. Placentas were categorized as concordant when the cord insertions of both fetuses were either normal-normal or abnormal abnormal, and as discordant when they were normal-abnormal. Birth weight discordance was defined as a difference in birth weight of each twin >= 25%. The association of different cord insertion combinations with birth weight discordance was analyzed. @@@ Results: The rate of discordant cord insertions was 55% (204/374) in monochorionic twins. A highly significant association between discordant cord insertions and discordant birth weight was observed (p < 0.01). The odds ratios (OR) for birth weight discordance in the discordant cord insertion group compared with the concordant group were 2.3 (95% CI: 1.2-4.4) for the normal-marginal and 5.9 (95% CI: 3.8-10.4) for the normal-velamentous cord insertion subgroup. Discordant cord insertions are associated with the occurrence of unequal placental sharing (OR 4.3, 95%Cl 2.7-6.9). @@@ Discussion: Discordance of cord insertions is associated with discordance of birth weight and may therefore be an important indicator of adverse outcome in monochorionic twins.