
We report the observation of a pronounced dip in the in-plane magnetic field (H-parallel to) dependence of the critical current density J(c)(H) and a peak in resistance R(H) of a NbN-HoNi5 bilayer at temperatures below the magnetic ordering temperature (T-Curie approximate to 3.5 K) of HoNi5, which is lower than the onset temperature approximate to 9 K) of superconductivity in the NbN layer. The extrema in J(c)(H) and R(H) appear at fields much below the upper critical field of NbN. We attribute these features to a coupling between localized out-of-plane moments present in the magnetic film and Pearl vortices of the superconducting layer. A spin re-orientation transition of the localized moments by H-parallel to breaks this coupling, leading to the observed excess dissipation.

  • 出版日期2012-1