
Much is unknown about the effects of culture dimensionality on cell behavior due to the lack of biomimetic substrates that are suitable for directly comparing cells grown on two-dimensional (2D) and encapsulated within three-dimensional (3D) matrices of the same stiffness and biochemistry. To overcome this limitation, we used a self-assembling peptide hydrogel system that has tunable stiffness and cell-binding site density as well as a fibrous microarchitecture resembling the structure of collagen. We investigated the effect of culture dimensionality on human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation at different values of matrix stiffness (G=0.25, 1.25, 5, and 10 kPa) and a constant RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) binding site concentration. In the presence of the same soluble induction factors, culture on top of stiff gels facilitated the most efficient osteogenesis, while encapsulation within the same stiff gels resulted in a switch to predominantly terminal chondrogenesis. Adipogenesis dominated at soft conditions, and 3D culture induced better adipogenic differentiation than 2D culture at a given stiffness. Interestingly, initial matrix-induced cell morphology was predictive of these end phenotypes. Furthermore, optimal culture conditions corresponded to each cell type's natural niche within the body, highlighting the importance of incorporating native matrix dimensionality and stiffness into tissue engineering strategies.

  • 出版日期2016-9