
The reactions between dimethylsulfonium methylide and 1,3-diene- or 1,3,5-triene-1,1-dioates under specific conditions enable the highly regioselective tandem ylide addition-eliminative olefination to provide 1,3-butadien-2-yl- or 1,3,5-hexatriene-2-yl-malonates. Alkylation at malonate methine carbon of 1,3-butadien-2-ylmalonates with a suitable alkyl halide having in-built functionalities for a dienophile generation led to quick assembly of precursors for type 2 intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction. Syntheses of functionalized bicyclo[n.3.1] alkenes (n=5 or 6) with the double bond at the bridgehead position have been achieved via the IMDA. An asymmetric version of this reaction has been developed using a Mac-Millan's imidazolidinone catalyst, which provided a bicyclo[5.3.1] alkene with very high enantioselectivity. In situ methylation at malonate methine carbon of 1,3,5-hexatriene-2-yl-malonates followed by intermolecular Diels-Alder reaction with N-methylmaleimide Provided the cycloadduct with complete regiocontrol and high diastereoselectivity.

  • 出版日期2010-3-27