
Predicting prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) aids clinical decision-making and stratifies patient follow-up plans. There are currently three prognostic scores specific to liver resection of HCC published in the literature: the MSKCC, SLICER and SSCLIP scores. In this review, we highlight the methodology employed in the construction of these scores and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. Current limitations to prognostic scores include the inability to differentiate between early and late recurrences of HCC, the failure to account for the impact of aetiology of HCC and the assumption that ethnicity has no impact on disease process. Further scientific discoveries in these areas will allow for improvement in prognostication. The SLICER score is currently the most comprehensive. External validation of each score in cohorts of patients with different baseline demographics and clinical characteristics will be required to examine their stability and reliability.

  • 出版日期2017-4
