
An annotated checklist of the Brazilian Galumnidae is provided; it includes 11 species and four genera. The genus Trichogalumna and two species, Carinogalumna genavensium and Pergalumna bifissurata, are recorded for the first time in Brazil. Two new species of Trichogalumna, T. albomaculata sp. nov. and T. atypica sp. nov., are described and illustrated on the basis of adult specimens. Trichogalumna albomaculata sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species of the genus by the combination of the following character states: bothridial setae fusiform, barbed; three pairs of notogastral porose areas present (A2 absent); surface of notogaster and ventral side with internal light spots. Trichogalumna atypica sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species of the genus by the setiform bothridial setae (versus with the developed head of bothridial setae). [GRAPHICS]

  • 出版日期2015-2-17
