
Codes with traceability properties are used in schemes where the identification of users that illegally redistribute content is required. For any code with traceability properties, the Identifiable Parent Property (c-IPP) seems to be less restrictive than the Traceability (c-TA) property. In this paper, we show that for Reed-Solomon codes both properties are in many cases equivalent. More precisely, we show that for an [n, k, d] Reed-Solomon code, defined over a field that contains the n - d roots of unity, both properties are equivalent. Also, we show how the strategy we propose can be applied to other cases by proving the equivalence of both propertied for a particular code of characteristic 2. This answers a question posted by Silverberg et al. (2001, 2003), for a large family of Reed-Solomon codes.

  • 出版日期2010-7