作者:De Andres R*; Gomez Costilla P
来源:9th International FLINS Conference on Computational Intelligence: Foundations and Applications , 2010-08-02 to 2010-08-04.


Generally, the health status can be measured by means of specific or generic questionnaires that let identify if an illness, a complication or a treatment affect the quality of life. In the existing literature the health status concept is a subjective impression, and patient is only person capable to define it. There are a lot of indexes to measure the health status degree, one of them is the EQ-5D where health information is expressed by means of numerical values, although the evaluated indicators are qualitative and subjective. This contribution proposes a linguistic EQ-5D where health information is modelled by means of linguistic information provided by patients in order to manage the uncertainty and subjectivity of such assessments.