
Aeolian erosion has been reported in the area between the lower Rhone and Roussillon. Its importance however is still largely under evaluated. Comprehensive studies of hollow features in the landscape (pools of Pujaut, Istres, Capestang) have so far not been undertaken before Ambert (1988). The relationships between these and the deposits that formed at the same time (sand dunes, loess) allow us to determine specific stages of morphogenesis (marine isotopic stages 4 and 2). Classic forms are ovoid or linear enclosed depressions, elongated in the wind direction. Their impact on marine and continental landscapes and river flow modifications is known (Ambert, 1994). Moreover, in both "etang de Berre" and Narbonne area, the coalescence of several depressions allowed for an uncommon inland penetration during Eutyrrhenian transgression.

  • 出版日期2013-9