
This paper presents a cyber-physical management of smart buildings based on smart-gateway network with distributed and real-time energy data collection and analytics. We consider a building with multiple rooms supplied with one main electricity grid and one additional solar energy grid. Based on smart-gateway network, energy signatures of rooms are first extracted with consideration of uncertainty and further classified as different types of agents. Then, a multiagent minority game (MG)-based demand-response management is introduced to reduce peak demand on the main electricity grid and also to fairly allocate solar energy on the additional grid. Experiment results show that compared to the traditional static and centralized energy-management system (EMS), and the recent multiagent EMS using price-demand competition, the proposed uncertainty-aware MG-EMS can achieve up to 50x and 145x utilization rate improvements, respectively, regarding to the fairness of solar energy resource allocation. More importantly, the peak load from the main electricity grid is reduced by 38.50% in summer and 15.83% in winter based on benchmarked energy data of building. Lastly, an average 23% uncertainty can be reduced with an according 37% balanced energy allocation improved comparing to the MG-EMS without consideration of uncertainty.

  • 出版日期2017-4