
Objective: The neuromarketing literature assumes that ad contents inducing intense affective responses influence positively ad memory. The aim of this research is to analyze ad memory depending on affective responses towards ads by facial muscles movement analysis.
Methods: Three TV ads with different valences are selected as stimuli. Research is constructed on randomized block design with a sample of 30 subjects selected from target consumers. In the experiment, corrugator and zygomatic muscles' activities are measured by electromyography during the exposure of ads.
Results: It is found that the scenes of ads, which induce highest affective responses, are composed of the brand-specific and the ad-specific information. The melancholic, Turkish classical music placed in the negative emotional contented ad works as the most effective cue.
Conclusions: It is an advantageous method for analyzing the effectiveness of ad contents and ad strategies on ad memory. The experiment lasts only during the exposure of advertisement and it does not demand any statistical excellence in the analyzing stage. Therefore, this method is recommended to businesses, which execute their marketing researches by themselves.

  • 出版日期2016