Attitudes towards family planning among women seeking induced abortion in Izmir, Turkey

作者:Atan Senay Unsal*; Kavlak Oya; Kulak Eylul; Bozkaya Muruvet
来源:European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 2011, 16(3): 194-200.


Objectives To assess contraceptive knowledge, use of emergency contraception (EC) and the motives of women seeking induced abortion.
Methods A descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted at the T. C. Izmir Dr. Hayri Ekrem Ustundag Gynaecology and Maternity Hospital and the Izmir Ataturk Research and Teaching Hospital, Turkey. The research sample consisted of 440 women who requested an abortion between January and May 2010, and voluntarily agreed to participate.
Results Sixty-two percent of the women became pregnant while using family planning (FP) methods. The contraceptive used by 42%% was the condom, and 45%% believed that they had become pregnant because of improper use of the contraceptive. Ninety-three percent had never used EC. Thirty-seven percent wanted their pregnancy terminated because they did not want another child, whereas 26%% viewed induced abortion as a method of FP. Sixty-nine percent of the women received FP counselling from health professionals, and 80%% found the information provided adequate.
Conclusion The women assessed were insufficiently knowledgeable about FP in general and EC in particular. Many had become pregnant as a result of inaccurate information.
