A comparative study of manufacturing practices and performance variables

作者:Karim M A*; Smith A J R; Halgamuge S K; Islam M M
来源:International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 112(2): 841-859.


The reported study was conducted to compare and contrast current manufacturing practices between two countries, Australia and Malaysia, and identify the practices that significantly influence their manufacturing performances. The results are based on data collected from surveys using a standard questionnaire in both countries. Evidence indicates that product quality and reliability is the main competitive factor for manufacturers. Maintaining a supplier rating system and regularly updating it with field failure and warranty data and making use of product data management are found to be effective manufacturing practices. In terms of the investigated manufacturing performance, Australian manufacturers are marginally ahead of their Malaysian counterparts. However, Malaysian manufacturers came out ahead on most dimensions of advanced quality and manufacturing practices, particularly in the adoption of product data management, effective supply chains and relationships with suppliers and customers.