A one-dimensional liquid of fermions with tunable spin

作者:Pagano, Guido; Mancini, Marco; Cappellini, Giacomo; Lombardi, Pietro; Schaefer, Florian; Hu, Hui; Liu, Xia-Ji; Catani, Jacopo; Sias, Carlo; Inguscio, Massimo; Fallani, Leonardo*
来源:Nature Physics, 2014, 10(3): 198-201.


Correlations in systems with spin degree of freedom are at the heart of fundamental phenomena, ranging from magnetism to superconductivity. The effects of correlations depend strongly on dimensionality, a striking example being one-dimensional (1D) electronic systems, extensively studied theoretically over the past fifty years(1-7). However, the experimental investigation of the role of spin multiplicity in 1D fermions-and especially for more than two spin components-is still lacking. Here we report on the realization of 1D, strongly correlated liquids of ultracold fermions interacting repulsively within SU(N) symmetry, with a tunable number N of spin components. We observe that static and dynamic properties of the system deviate from those of ideal fermions and, for N > 2, from those of a spin-1/2 Luttinger liquid. In the large-N limit, the system exhibits properties of a bosonic spinless liquid. Our results provide a testing ground for many-body theories and may lead to the observation of fundamental 1D effects(8).

  • 出版日期2014-3