
Previous studies have shown that injection of chemical solutions through the anode or cathode during electroosmosis is effective in strengthening soft clay However the region of Improvement is mostly limited to the anode or cathode region A novel technique of installing a relay pipe between the anode and the cathode was developed to expand the region of electroosmotic improvement The natural Taipei silty clay containing 12% clay 86% silt and 2% sand was used in this study Results of this study found that electroosmosis with injection through the relay pipe was superior to that with injection through the mode nearly 1 5 times in terms of cementation area and 2 times in terms of average cone resistance With injection through both the anode and the relay pipe the cementation area nearly covered the entire specimen and its average cone resistance could be raised to nine times more than that of the untreated soil Moreover for injection through both the anode and the relay pipe the increase of injection times of the sodium

  • 出版日期2010-12