
We use quantum mechanical (QM) methods to interpret the charge transport properties of the self-assembled poly-3-hexylthiophene (P3HT) molecules along the intrachain and interchain directions. Our approach is illustrated by a hopping transport model, in which we examine the variation of the electron-coupling strength (transfer integral) with the torsional angle and the intermolecular distance between two adjacent thiophene segments. We also simulate the packed P3HT structures at various values of temperature and regioregularity via the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The MD results indicate that with decreasing the molecular regioregularity and/or increasing temperature, the P3HT backbone chains experience a larger distortion of the thiophene rings out of coplanarity, and thus the charge mobility along the main chains is reduced. However, as long as the P3HT molecules remain in the ordered lamellar state due to the presence of the pi-pi interaction, the resultant mobility along the pi-pi interchain direction is still significantly less than that along the intrachain direction. Accordingly, the main charge transfer route within the P3HT ordered domains is along the intrachains instead of the interchains.

  • 出版日期2008-11-27