
Intra-specific competition in insect and amphibian species is often experienced in completely different ways in their distinct life stages. Competition among larvae is important because it can impact on adult traits that affect disease transmission, yet mathematical models often ignore larval competition. We present two models of larval competition in the form of delay differential equations for the adult population derived from age-structured models that include larval competition. We present a simple prototype equation that models larval competition in a simplistic way. Recognising that individual larvae experience competition from other larvae at various stages of development, we then derive a more complex equation containing an integral with a kernel that quantifies the competitive effect of larvae of age (a) over bar on larvae of age a. In some parameter regimes, this model and the famous spruce budworm model have similar dynamics, with the possibility of multiple co-existing equilibria. Results on boundedness and persistence are also proved.

  • 出版日期2016-2
