
"Post-sphaleron baryogenesis", a fresh and profound mechanism of baryogenesis accounts for the matter-antimatter asymmetry of our present universe in a framework of Pati-Salam symmetry. We attempt here to embed this mechanism in a non-SUSY SO(10) grand unified theory by reviving a novel symmetry breaking chain with Pati-Salam symmetry as an intermediate symmetry breaking step and as well to address post-sphaleron baryogenesis and neutron-antineutron oscillation in a rational manner. The Pati-Salam symmetry based on the gauge group SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) x SU(4)(C) is realized in our model at 10(5)-10(6) GeV and the mixing time for the neutron-antineutron oscillation process having Delta B = 2 is found to be tau(n-(n) over bar) similar or equal to 10(8)-10(10) s with the model parameters, which is within the reach of forthcoming experiments. Other novel features of the model include low scale right-handed W-R(+/-), Z(R) gauge bosons, explanation for neutrino oscillation data via the gauged inverse (or extended) seesaw mechanism and most importantly TeV scale color sextet scalar particles responsible for an observable n-(n) over bar oscillation which may be accessible to LHC. We also look after gauge coupling unification and an estimation of the proton lifetime with and without the addition of color sextet scalars.

  • 出版日期2014-9-30