
In this paper, we study the existence of a new class of chaotic attractors, namely the rank-one attractors, in the MLC (Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua) circuit [Murali et al., 1994] by numerical simulations based on a theory of rank-one maps developed in [Wang & Young, 2005]. With the guidance of the theory in [Wang & Young, 2005], weakly stable limit cycles, found through Hopf bifurcations and other numerical means, are subjected to periodic pulses with long relaxation periods to produce rank-one attractors. The periodic pulses are applied directly as an input. Periodic pulses have been used before in various schemes of chaos. However, for this scheme of creating rank-one attractors to work, the applied periodic pulses must have short pulse widths and long relaxation periods. This is one of the key components in creating this new class of chaotic attractors.

  • 出版日期2006-9