A Low-Power Correlator ASIC For Arrays With Many Antennas

作者:D'Addario Larry R*; Wang Douglas
来源:United-States-National-Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM), 2016-01-06 to 2016-01-09.


We report the design of a new application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for use in radio telescope correlators. It supports the construction of correlators for an arbitrarily large number of signals. The ASIC uses an intrinsically low-power architecture along with design techniques and a process that together result in unprecedentedly low power consumption. The design is flexible in that it can support telescopes with almost any number of antennas N. It is intended for use in an "FX" correlator, where a uniform filter bank breaks each signal into separate frequency channels prior to correlation.