
In this study, small hive beetle (SHB) attraction to whole honey bee and bumble bee colony volatiles as well as volatiles from individual colony components was investigated using four-way olfactometer choice tests. This was done to determine the role olfactory cues play in SHB host location and differentiation. Results from the bumble bee bioassays suggest that SHBs are attracted to adult bumble bees, stored pollen, brood, wax, and whole colony volatiles though not to honey volatiles. The honey bee bioassay results suggest that SHBs are attracted to adult honey bees, brood, honey, stored pollen, wax, and whole colony volatiles. SHBs did not exhibit a preference for honey bee or bumble bee component volatiles in the honey bee vs. bumble bee bioassays. Collectively, the data suggest that SHB attraction to bumble and honey bee colony volatiles is mediated chemically.

  • 出版日期2011-5