
We study three dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric QCD theories with O(N-c) gauge groups and with N-f chiral multiplets in the vector representation. We argue that for N-f < N-c - 2 there is a runaway potential on the moduli space and no vacuum. For N-f >= N-c - 2 there is a moduli space also in the quantum theory, and for N-f >= N-c - 1 there is a superconformal fixed point at the origin of this moduli space that has a dual description as the low- energy fixed point of an O(N-f - N-c + 2) gauge theory. We test this duality in various ways; in some cases the duality for an O(2) gauge theory may be related to the known duality for U(1) gauge theories. We also discuss real mass deformations, which allow to connect theories with a different Chern- Simons level. This allows us to connect our duality with the known duality in O(N-c) theories with a Chern- Simons term of level k, where the dual gauge group is given by O(N-f + vertical bar k vertical bar - N-c + 2).

  • 出版日期2011-12