
This paper proposes an approximate model to predict the spread and surface profile of cross sections of material in a Kocks mill that a string of mills driven by three-roll is lined-up in tandem. The spread at the exit of roll gap is expressed as a function of the effective roll diameter, area fraction of the cross section of incoming material intersecting the roll groove shape, and contact length at the interface of the roll and material. The surface profile of a material is assumed to be a second-order polynomial function; additionally, the shape of the function was determined by the shape of the cross section of the incoming material, roll gap geometry, maximum width, and the reduction ratio. We then evaluated the possibility of 3D FE analysis, which is generally used for predicting the surface profile of materials in a three-roll rolling system, being superseded by the model proposed in this study. The generality and robustness of the model proposed in this study was verified by comparing the approximate model-predictions with FE analysis. Difference in terms of the maximum width, B1, was in the range of 0.05 similar to 0.76 % and those in terms of the surface profile radius, R-s, ranged from 0.54 to 1.23 %.

  • 出版日期2017-7