
<jats:p>Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908 is relatively large genus of wolf spiders with 28 named species and one subspecies (World Spider Catalog 2016) distributed in the Holarctic, though the majority of its species (24) is known from Russia. Although the genus is well studied due to several revisions (Marusik et al. 2004; Marusik &amp; Omelko 2011; Omelko et al. 2016), its real species diversity remains unknown. A recent study of the collections of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University revealed one undescribed species from Khabarovsk Province of Russia, belonging to the A. baltoroi-group of species. The main goals of this publications are the description of this new species and the proposition of an identification key to males of the A. baltoroi-group. </jats:p>

  • 出版日期2017-2-20