
The gravito-electrostatic sheath (GES) model, which has been proposed to explain the solar surface emission mechanism of the solar wind in the framework of plasma-wall interaction processes, is reexamined with the considered nonextensive electrons. It is demonstrated that the GES structure equations get drastically modified with the nonextensivity parameter (entropic index) arising due to the thermostatistical behavior of the electronic dynamics. A numerical analysis in the platform of relevant solar plasma parameters is carried out to highlight the new changes in the equilibrium structure relative to the earlier idealized one on both the bounded (Sun) and unbounded (solar wind) scales. The nonextensive GES field strength for the bounded solar solution to exist is found to decrease by 21.67% and the electrostatic potential by 30%. The proposed nonextensive formalism of the turbulent solar plasma system could be useful to understand the solar wind flow dynamics on a more profound basis.

  • 出版日期2017-1