A framework for selecting POU/POE systems

作者:Hamouda Mohamed A*; Anderson William B; Huck Peter M
来源:Journal of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), 2010, 102(12): 42-56.


Although the acceptance of point-of-use (POU) and point-of entry (POE) systems is still being debated, it is generally acknowledged that the systems have a role to play in drinking water treatment. Certified systems being marketed today incorporate proven technologies that have been engineered to achieve defined contaminant removal targets. Although this is of paramount importance, there is value in assessing the sustainability of such treatment alternatives. This article investigates issues related to the implementation, management, and environmental effects of POU/POE systems and presents a framework for sustainability assessment of those systems. A set of sustainability criteria technical, economic, environmental, and sociocultural is defined. Quantitative and qualitative indicators are proposed to promote the practical use of these criteria for comparing and selecting among POU/POE systems. Survey results of experts' judgment on the effectiveness of the developed indicators are presented.