Anomalous and planar Righi-Leduc effects in Ni-80 Fe-20 ferromagnets

作者:Madon B; Do Ch Pham; Wegrowe J E*; Lacour D; Hehn M; Polewczyk V; Anane A; Cros V
来源:Physical Review B, 2016, 94(14): 144423.


In this paper, we report experimental evidence of anomalous and planar Righi-Leduc effects on NiFe. The Righi-Leduc effect is the thermal analog of the Hall effect, in which the electric current is replaced by the heat current and the electric field by the temperature gradient. When the material is ferromagnetic, it is well known that there are two other contributions to the Hall voltage which depend on the orientation of the magnetization. These two extra contributions are called the anomalous Hall effect when the magnetization is out of the plane of the sample and the planar Hall effect when the magnetization is in the plane of the sample. In the same way, an anomalous and a planar Righi-Leduc effects are shown to appear when a transverse temperature gradient is generated by a heat current.

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