
The theoretical neutron-production cross-sections produced by Ta-181(He-3,xn)Re184-x reactions (x = 1-7) for structural fusion material Ta-181 in He-3-induced reactions have been performed in the incident He-3 energy range of 14-75 MeV. Reaction cross-sections, based on theoretical pre-equilibrium nuclear reaction models, have been calculated theoretically by means of the TALYS 1.6 two component exciton, EMPIRE 3.1 exciton, ALICE/ASH geometry dependent hybrid (GDH) and ALICE/ASH hybrid models. The neutron-production cross-section results of the models have been compared with the each other and against the experimental nuclear reaction data (EXFOR). Except the Ta-181(He-3,2n)Re-182 and Ta-181(He-3,7n)Re-177 reactions, the ALICE/ASH cross-section calculations show generally agreement with the experimental values for all reactions used in this study. The ALICE/ASH-GDH model can be suggested, if the experimental data are unavailable or are improbably to be produced because of the experimental troubles.

  • 出版日期2014-10