A randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of applying a simple protocol of boiled Anethum Graveolens seeds on pain intensity and duration of labor stages

作者:Hekmatzadeh Seyedeh Fatemeh; Bazarganipour Fatemeh*; Matekzadeh Jonmohamad; Goodarzi Fatemeh; Aramesh Shahintaj
来源:Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2014, 22(6): 970-976.


Objective: This study aimed to test the effects of boiled Anethum Graveolens seeds on pain intensity and duration of labor stages. Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted on 153 eligible participants who had regular uterine contractions. Participants were allocated to either intervention or control group receiving boiled Anethum Graveolens seeds or routine care, respectively. Preparation of Anethunn Graveolens boiled solution was as follows: log (two tablespoons) of seed in 100 cc water boiled for 10 min. After filtration, this solution used by intervention group only once after starting active phase (3-4cm of cervix dilatation). Participants were followed up to the delivery time. Data were analyzed using T, and Chi square tests. Results: Findings showed that the length of the all stages of labor were significantly lower in intervention compared to control group in except for second stage in primiparous. The second stage of labor in primiparous participants in intervention group was shorter than control group, although the difference is not significant. Moreover, intervention group had a significantly better dilatation and effacement scores after 1, 2, 3 and 4 h following the intervention compared to control group. Conclusion: Results supported the boiled Anethum Grave lens seeds as an effective way to progress of the tabor.

  • 出版日期2014-12