
Classical coverage models, adopted for second-generation cellular systems, are not suited for planning Universal Mobile Telecommunication System(UMTS) Base Station(BS) location because they are only based on signal predictions and do not consider the traffic distribution, the signal quality requirements and the Power Control(PC) mechanisms. In this study, we discuss mathematical programming models aimed at supporting the decisions in the process of planning where to locate new BS. These models consider the signal-to-interference as quality measure and capture at different levels of detail the signal quality requirements and the specific Power Control (PC) mechanism of the W-CDMA air interface. Given that these UMTS BS location models are Non-Polynomial (NP)-hard problem, we propose enumerative methods and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to find good approximate solutions for this model. A new method and tool for optimizing the base station locations, based on Genetic Algorithms, is presented along with simulation results. This text discusses the main issues in planning a third generation mobile network and presents an initial mathematical formulation for the problem. The results indicate that it is possible to arrive at higher quality solutions in reasonable time. The goals and the present status of our research are also discussed
