
The 'Bas Vivarais' (Ardeche, France) is one of the most recent volcanic provinces in the French Massif Central. The age of this province is still poorly known and previous palaeomagnetic studies have proposed the existence of only three short periods of activity. New thermoluminescence (TL) dating measurements on plagioclase and quartz were performed. Previous chronological data (also based on luminescence dating) and our results support the hypothesis of three short-duration periods of activity and give the first numerical age of the older phase. Best age estimates are 45.4 +/- 3.2 ka, 78.8 +/- 5.3 ka, and 166 +/- 15 ka for the three phases of activity. With dormancy periods up to 90,000 years, this province is an example of a small-size intra-continental volcanism displaying a very sporadic activity, a way of functioning that seems frequent in western Europe.

  • 出版日期2007-1
  • 单位中国地震局