Association of pro-melanin concentrating hormone genotype with beef carcass quality and yield

作者:Walter L J; Gasch C A; McEvers T J; Hutcheson J P; DeFoor P; Marquess F L S; Lawrence T E*
来源:Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92(1): 325-331.


Beef cattle from 3 independent studies conducted in the Texas Panhandle (Exp. 1: n = 3,906 and Exp. 2: n = 4,000) and southern Idaho (Exp. 3; n = 542) were used to investigate the association of pro-melanin concentrating hormone (PMCH) genotype with beef carcass quality and yield attributes. Tissue samples were collected from each animal to determine which PMCH allele they expressed (Trial 1: AA, 62.60%; AT, 32.05%; and TT, 5.35%; Trial 2: AA, 64.33%; AT, 31.07%; and TT, 4.60%; Trial 3: AA, 65.87%; AT, 29.34%; and TT, 4.80%). Twenty-four hours after harvest, carcass attributes were evaluated for all carcasses and longissimus dorsi steak samples were allocated from a subset of carcasses in Exp. 2 (n = 352; AA, 49.43%; AT, 28.98%; and TT, 21.59%) and each carcass in Exp. 3. Warner-Bratzler shear force measurements were determined for each steak after aging for 7, 14, or 21 d postmortem. Carcasses from Exp. 1 and 2 expressing the AA genotype had greater (P < 0.01) 12th rib subcutaneous (s.c.) fat depth and marbling scores, concurrent with smaller (P < 0.01) LM area than carcasses of AT and TT genotypes. Subsequently, carcasses expressing the AA genotype were represented by a greater (P < 0.02) proportion achieving Prime and Premium Choice quality grades, and a lesser (P < 0.01) proportion grading Select or Standard. In all trials, carcasses of the AA genotype had greater (P < 0.04) calculated yield grades than carcasses of the TT genotype. Carcass composition was associated with PMCH genotype evident by calculated empty body fat differences (P < 0.04) between AA and TT cattle in Exp. 1 and 3, and differences (P < 0.01) among all 3 genotypes in Trial 2. Shear force data on 7-d postmortem aging tended (P = 0.06) to favor cattle of the AA genotype in Exp. 2. However, additional aging to 14 or 21 d minimized any tenderness differences. These data illustrate the potential relationship that may exist among PMCH genotypes and indicators of carcass composition.

  • 出版日期2014-1