
The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the extent to which some certain corporate governance characteristics and level of development exerts a positive and direct influence on the environmental performance. There are some studies that have emphasised the influence of various factors on environmental performance, but too few are addressing the influence of corporate governance and economic development on environmental performance, therefore our study intends to fill this gap. The analysis is using a cross-country approach, for a large sample of 125 countries from worldwide. A multiple regression analysis was applied over some certain indicators measuring corporate governance dimensions and level of development (as independent variables), computed by World Economic Forum in its series of reports The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 selected for 125 countries, while Environmental Performance Index from 2014 Environmental Performance Index Full Report was dependent variable. Our findings suggest that corporate governance dimensions together with level of development are good predictors for environmental performance.

  • 出版日期2015