
Traditionally the perspective on reactive oxygen species (ROS) has centered on the role they play as carcinogenic or cancer-causing radicals. Over the years, characterization and functional studies have revealed the complexity of ROS as signaling molecules that regulate various physiological cellular responses or whose levels are altered in various diseases. Cancer cells often maintain high basal level of ROS and are vulnerable to any further increase in ROS levels beyond a certain protective threshold. Consequently, ROS-modulation has emerged as an anticancer strategy with synthesis of various ROS-inducing or responsive agents that target cancer cells. Of note, an increased carbohydrate uptake and/or induction of death receptors of cancer cells was exploited to develop glycoconjugates that potentially induce cellular stress, ROS and apoptosis. This mini review highlights the development of compounds that target cancer cells by taking advantage of redox or metabolic alteration in cancer cells.

  • 出版日期2017-9