A review of shark satellite tagging studies

作者:Hammerschlag N*; Gallagher A J; Lazarre D M
来源:Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2011, 398(1-2): 1-8.


Recent advances in satellite tagging technologies have provided scientists growing opportunities to resolve previously unknown spatial ecology of marine predators, including sharks. Such an understanding is particularly important at this time given recent declines in shark populations worldwide. Here we reviewed 48 studies published in the primary literature between 1984 and 2010, addressing the most basic questions regarding the use of satellite tagging for studying shark behavior and ecology. For each study, the following aspects were analyzed: tagging location; species tagged; study focus; technology employed; sample size; tag attachment and deployment technique; duration of tracking; tag failure rate; and study limitation. The potential impacts of tagging on shark behavior and physiology are considered. Finally, we discuss how satellite tagging has furthered our current knowledge of shark behavior and consider the possibility of new tag developments that can improve our ability to resolve the mechanisms underlying shark habitat use.

  • 出版日期2011-2-28